Become a Grassroots Club Member Today!
As a member of the Grassroots Club you will be joining a select few individuals that are on the frontlines of fighting for your medical freedom. It starts here in Texas, but the fight is all over the country. All you have to do is either sign up for one of our affordable monthly memberships or single payment annual memberships. By signing up, you will receive the following benefits:
Advocate - $25/month for 12 months or one time payment of $300
- Insider message from TMF once a month
- Exclusive content from industry experts
- First alert/action alerts
- One ticket to annual TMF fundraiser
Supporter - $50/month for 12 months or one time payment of $600
- Benefits from Advocate level
- One zoom industry expert or legal expert every quarter
- Two tickets to annual TMF fundraiser
Underwriter - One time payment of $2500
- Benefits from Supporter level
- Complimentary table at annual TMF fundraiser
Champion - One time payment of $5000
- Benefits from Underwriter level
- Complimentary table at annual TMF fundraiser + VIP reception